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The 40th Spaghetti 100
will be
October 25, 2025

Online Registration is expected to open early June

This iconic ride starts at the Miccosukee Community Center and rides into the scenic back country of North Florida and South Georgia. The road routes take riders through historic Thomasville and Boston in Georgia and then through Monticello in Florida. The dirt routes are non-technical, following the beautiful canopied clay roads through the heart of classic Red Hills plantation country. There are five ride options: 100, 65, and 32 miles on beautiful paved roads, and 40 mile & 68 mile dirt options on beautiful mostly clay roads of north Florida. 

You'll find well-stocked rest stops along the way, and there is mechanical, medical, and SAG support. 

2019 Epic Dirt Tallahassee World Champions

While in the past we have awarded “World Champion” jerseys to the first riders to complete the 100 mile road route and the 62 mile dirt route. However, we have been advised by our event insurance that our recreational ride is not allowed to have a racing component, which means that for this year’s event there will not be a jersey for the first finishers. We appreciate everyone’s cooperation to make this a fun, safe and insured event.

The Spaghetti 100 funds our Kids on Bike program, which supports the Florida Traffic and Bicycle Education Program in our local school district. Every year this program teaches hundreds of elementary school children how to ride a bike and ride it safely in traffic. The last few years one of our longtime members and former president Chris Lacher made sure our trailer was kept in good condition, and moved it from one school to the next each month. Our bikes were maintained by our local community bike hub, the Bicycle House. We thank both Chris and Bicycle House for their invaluable service to our club and the community. This year we agreed to donate our trailer with bikes to the school district, which has safe storage, and the ability to transport the trailer from school to school. The proceeds from the Spaghetti 100 will be used to maintain the bikes and replace some of the bikes that are getting to the end of their useful life. 

Route Maps

The 2024 route maps can be found on RideWith GPS. The final 2025 route maps will be available one month before the ride.

2024 Full Century Route (101.7 mile) 
2024 Metric Century Route (68.1 mile) 
2024 Monticello Ride (31.8 mile)

2024 Epic Dirt/Clay Rd Ride (61.3 mile)
2024 Epicette Dirt/Clay Road Ride (39.1 mile)

Note: Some sections of the road rides are shown as unpaved due to a glitch in RideWithGPS. Be assured these routes are 100% on paved roads. 

Bicycle House Tallahassee