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Thomasville Rd Multi-Use Path Project in Danger

Johan van Tol | Published on 10/27/2021
We asked you in May about leaving comments for the Thomasville Rd multi-use path feasibility study. There now is now a draft of the feasibility study report, as well as a report on the current conditions. These reports can be found on the CRTPA website by clicking on the links. 
At the meeting of the CRTPA (Capital Region Transportation Planning Agency) September 13, this project was the main item on the agenda. And it brought in a lot of public engagement, both in favor as well as opposed to the project, or sections of the project. It's probably fair to say that most speakers were opposed. It also brought about a new round of public engagement that is still going on, but will end soon. The last meeting is an in-person meeting at the School of Arts and Sciences, Th Nov 4 at 7pm.   It is crucial that a large number of cyclists attend this meeting if we want something done for cyclist safety along Thomasville Rd. 

Thomasville Rd path rendering 
A lot of information is available through the CRTPA website You can/should read the documents linked above for details, but in short what is currently proposed as the best feasible option for building a multi-use path along Thomasville Rd, is:
From Betton to Armistead Rd, three options:
 A. multi-use path on the eastside of Thomasville Rd. 
 B. multi-use path along a drainage ditch between Betton to McCord Park, and then taking the path in the park to Armistead and then make a path on Armistead Rd to Thomasville Rd, or take Post to Thomasville Rd which avoids McCord park and the driveways at the gas station, bank etc. 
From Armistead to Woodgate Way
 A multi-use path on the east side of Thomasville
From Woodgate Way to Live Oak Plantation Rd or Metropolitan Blvd
 A multi-use path on the west side of the road
From the north end of the trail, there are various option proposed for getting to the Market district, all involving crossing under the I-10 at Timberlane School Rd
Also it involves removing the bike lanes that are currently present north of Waverly Rd. to make room for the multi-use path (without taking out too many trees). 
Perhaps surprisingly, there is some loud resistance from residents along the corridor. Our official position statement is an advanced draft, that can be found here. We feel that the current situation is unsafe for cyclists, that a bikeable connection along the Thomasville Rd is sorely needed, and that this multi-use path will improve safety. There are certainly some safety challenges at a few sections, but we feel that they can be adequately addressed in the design phase of the project. It is important that cyclists and proponents of active and environmentally responsible transportation let their voice be known.  You can do that by writing to the city and county commissioners on the CRTPA, by submitting your comments to the CRTPA staff, or by joining the upcoming meeting at the School of Arts and Sciences. 

In any case, please leave written comments either at the meeting or online.

Thank you !
Bicycle House Tallahassee